Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Design for life

Why do poeple idolise Philippe starck?

I'm not saying that im the best designer there is (probably an overstatement) but the way that the show presents the opprtunity as being extremeley prestigious to work with starck is quite exagerrated, while to work with starck may be a good experience the students seem to think that some work with him will save thier career and/or provide them with some sort of design enlightenment.

Through doing the industrial design course i have learnt that design is mostly subjective, with poeple having thier own pre-conceived ideas on what is good or bad desgin this would shaped by reasons developed through that person's life, for example if i get attacked by dog and become somewhat traumatised by the experience, i will always have a negative thought associated with dogs. Starck may have also been influenced by such an experience which affects in his personal view of what is good design. The students seem to want to impress him, but in actual fact they should be wanting to impress themselves.if good design is expressing the designer as a person in the form,colour and other characteristics then how can anybody say its bad.

i guess that when poeple design for the mass market a different approach is taken but none the less there will millions of poeple who dislike that design and only a handful that actually purchase it, so there really is no pleasing everyone.
Oersonally if wanted to work with starck it would be beacuse i recognise myself in his designs and find things in common in the way we both worl, not if we were different style desginers.

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