Monday, September 13, 2010


This documentary about our complex relationship with manufactured objects and, by extension, the people who design them really enticed me because of its interviews with different designers with different styles. The relationship of the product to the user is is depicted as being very essential for the enjoyment of the product and the role it plays in the environment.

Marc Newson's philosophy of 'indisposable' really captures the essence of what it is to design for the future whilst making it pleasurable to have in the present day. He designs to be long lasting, both in manufacture and in datedness. I really like his approach to design as he really has fun with it, this is shown by his various tables which as inspirations for visions, I too don’t visualise things until I find a reason to include a certain material or process, although I may not execute this as well as Newson, I feel some connection between our ways of thinking.

The design in the intangible is shown by the interview with Jonathan Ive, where he expresses how much thought was given when producing the Mac book air. my interpretation of his interview is that he takes more pride in the design for manufacture than then the product’s form, although he addresses this later on where he discusses how things should be designed so that people would believe that was to most effective way I still think he wanting to say that in some way that design is somewhat limited to the prcoess.

Another realisation I had during the film is that enjoyable things or the placement of appreciation by the user is located at the parts where the user is mostly or solely interacting with the product, such as electronics where the user is mostly interacted with the interface of the device. This thought came to mind when watching the section featuring Bill Moggridge, he explains how he was sucked in to a different world when interacting with his laptop, all clever design features were suddenly forgotten when heavily involved with the interface of the laptop.

I think industrial designers should watch this video because it addresses a bunch of issues , such as sustainability, humanising products, design in process and even the perverse way the term design is being thrown around to gain profits, these issues I believe is what plagues most designers trying to be different and innovative in whatever aspect would be on designers priorities, so in watching this video it may definitely enlighten an industrial designer because it certainly inspired me.